Tuesday 13 October 2009, from 7:30pm.
Crowne Plaza, Wollaton Street, Nottingham NG1 5RH.
Ticket only – see for tickets and details of other BunceLive tour dates.
Birmingham Launch
Thursday 15 October 2009, from 7pm
The Portland Pavilion, 241 Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B17 8LS
Everyone welcome!
London Launch
Sunday 18 October 2009, 12 noon to 4pm
The Old Red Cow (upstairs bar), 71 Long Lane, Smithfield, London EC1A 9EJ
Everyone welcome!
London Ex-Boxers’ Association Meeting
Sunday 1 November 2009
The Litten Tree, 174 Old Street, London EC1V 9BP
Open to LEBA members only.